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Boundary & Topographic Surveys
Boundary & Topo
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Boundary & topographic surveys are most commonly needed when building on or developing a property. Most jurisdictions have very specific requirements for what must be included and what the extent of the survey must be when used as a base for a site plan for permitting.  We are familiar with all of these requirements and will always make sure you have what you need for the City or County where your project is located. 

All our surveys are completed and delivered in the most current versions of AutoCAD and Civil3D for use by other design professionals such as architects, along with the signed PDF files for submittal.

Example Projects
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Boundary Surveys & Boundary  Line Adjustments


A professional surveyor can provide a retracement of your boundary and relocate or replace your property corners and identify any encroachments on or off your property.  Boundary surveys can be used to help resolve disputes or preferably to avoid them in the first place. Knowing where your property lines are is often not as simple as having been told so by a previous owner, a real estate broker or a neighbor. Time and people have a way of changing perceived boundaries. A boundary survey that is completed, monumented and documented with a filed record of survey is an important investment in securing title and minimizing disputes for any property owner. 


In cases where the lines have been blurred, issues need to be cured or there is just a need to be met, sometimes a boundary line adjustment is necessary.  Each City and County handles this process differently and the ability for it to be done vary depending on site conditions. 

Example Projects
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Short Plats and Subdivisions
Short Plats

We provide comprehensive development services for Short Plats, Long Plats, Binding Site Plans, Condominiums, and Unit Lot Subdivisions throughout Washington State.  We provide services that can include:

  • Complete land development services for a fee, in a partnership or as a buyer

  • Feasibility studies

  • Land planning

  • Proforma and cost estimate development

  • Public hearing representation

  • Project management

  • Land surveying

  • Civil engineering

  • Construction contract management

  • Construction observation

  • Land marketing and sale before, during or after development

ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys

The American Land Title Association worked with the National Society of Professional Surveyors and designed the survey to cater to lenders and title companies for commercial property developments. A person or company may need an ALTA survey before buying or financing real property when there is a need for highly specific information such as the location of buried sewer lines, locations of fences, and whether a building on a piece of land affects an easement. Often, in order to receive extended title insurance coverage, an ALTA survey is required.  

ALTA surveys are comprehensive and impose stricter requirements than ordinary land boundary surveys do. ALTA surveys show easements, rights-of-way, land ownership, hidden assets, parcel boundaries, and unrecorded liens. Certain companies must acquire ALTA surveys before they can begin work on a piece of land to ensure rightful ownership and right-of-way and avoid legal issues. 

Elevation Certificates and eLOMA's
Elev Cert

Elevation certificates for flood insurance and applications for Letters of Map Amendment to remove property from a flood zone.

© 2019 by Plog Engineering

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